

Want to Be YouTuber? The Important Things You Should Prepare

Being youtuber - LaodeNet this time talking about youtube and YouTubers. Why? Obviously we did not get tired of hearing the word youtube our ears. Among the guys also often watch videos from youtube?

Hasil gambar untuk youtuberFrom hobby some people who like to watch this youtube. Many of them are actually interested in becoming a youtuber. But among them there are many who are confused. How the heck do I become a YouTubers?
It so happened that really fits. This time click mania will provide inspiration and new knowledge. Especially those of you who want to be youtuber. So what are you waiting just.
YouTubers - Already know all this was what? Some do not know? There is? Well sure not listened to my post from the beginning huh? Hehe. Or you newcomers on this blog? Welcome, and happy reading.
I hope you inspired by the things that are here. Especially this post about how or what needs you prepare to be be youtuber.
If anyone asks me.
"Kak so YouTubers it easy is not it? What should I prepare? "
Obviously I immediately replied Easy! The tools are not as complicated as you need also to understand the heart of the doi. Lah so baper. Which obviously is not as complicated as a mathematical formula sma child class 3. Well it certainly complicated.
To be youtuber you obviously have to make a youtube account. As I explained at the time. Yes I described in my previous post where you can use the google account to create a youtube account.
The trick is not complicated enough in and sing up for your email account. Later you will immediately get your youtube account. Because there is cooperation youtube and google seems like so you do not need to register again tired.
That was how the very beginning. Everyone would know if it would be youtuber must have a youtube account. The yes him on Facebook tar so Fesbuker. Already just like the tv show.
Now it's time we go to things that are more serious. That is the core. Cont.

Things need to be prepared to be youtuber

1. intention

If there is an intention there's a way.

Everyone who wants to start something clearly must be based on the intention. If you do not have a strong intent. You even indifferent. Al results you just stop on one point.

This intention can you get if you are motivated by one thing. examples such as the famous YouTubers Reza Arap Oktovian he was once like denfan Pewdiepie. Because of his favorite pie to die pew video.

Then came Reza Arap Oktovian intention to make video gaming such as die pew pie Indonesian version. Here the position Arap (greeting familiar Reza Oktovian) not as plagiarism. But he's as motivated person.

I'm sure most people who want to be youtuber also like that. Most likely he had high intention ntah of manda he got. Clearly there are some things that triggered him to demikuan.

Is your intention to be an existing YouTubers? If there is already good. It means you are ready to enter the next ketahap. If Keith let me motivation.

How to motivate?

So if you is not no intention yes indeed difficult utuk in motivation. If you want to be YouTubers just play play was why you so YouTubers?
Here I say where this intention is a strong intent. Yes intent where if you fall you can fight and not run away. Imagine if you enter the world of youtube, but not based on intention and strong embroidery.
If you just go away. there you just menuh-Menuhin youtube market. Kasian YouTubers who want to work you just shut up their work.
At least if you just fun obviously it will add to their competitors. Yes they are, YouTubers were really the intention in the world of youtube.
Therefore you'd better seriously. So the results obtained are also not half-half.

2. Thinking Content

What content is suitable?

For those of you who want a career diyoutube. Do not think too long. Because many young YouTubers are thinking too long. Thinking of how equipment should they wear.

Must use any camera. Laptop or pc what ngedit create. What applications are used to ngedit. There are even thinking if I was rich because youtube will be used for what the money from his youtube.

Lah do not think too much, son. One thing you need to think about is the concept channelmu. Already it alone. if no think about it carefully. So you are not confused.

Tips on choosing a theme channel youtube

So if you are still confused about how to choose a theme channel I will provide some tips for you. So you dont origin try as I did.

It's just sharing it. because I do not want you to have to fight from the beginning. So I recognize how from the beginning so it made a small mistake can lead to a fatal error.

So. Before you decide on a theme channel what would you enter into the channel. It is better you ask your friends. Ya do not ask homework. What I mean is wondering about what channel that roughly fit with your character.

If you are a humorous person will obviously be different if I enter into the channel that discussed the very serious political connotation. If you are the person clearly impossible theoretically I enter into channel humor.

But could still be more interesting if the channel humor filled with people who have a humorous character. Thus, in choosing concept video idea was much simpler.

Learn from experience

Most people are hard to identify himself. Even if asked. Try to describe yourself. He must be confused and did not understand.

Therefore closest friends or people who can judge you. Do not ask the new you know. Or ya-ya guard Indomaret clear at all you do not know ya and ya know it was not you.

Balakan complicated happens later. If you do not have friends. Yes this sounds sad all. You can ask your parents. Or better if you share it directly to your parents. Who knows, your parents will give you a good idea.

3. Thinking idea for the video first

The first video is important!

This is important. Yes I had been thinking nyuruh continue. Lah yes. be youtuber ya so sob. Should be thinking hard. Do not be lazy to look for ideas. If you look into a YouTubers it easy. You guys are wrong means.So after you disconnect your channel. So what your channel. Now you have to think about a story idea for your first video. Where this is also important as the early starters in the channel.But you cool when it entered this ketahap. So for the first video it's up to you. Wants to how the concept. I suggest to the first video you are trying to create an introductory video once wrote.It is intended that the audience you come to understand what really is in your channel. As my experience. People prefer men-subscribe channel which has its own specialties.So he was not complicated in finding a channel that he wants. Surely its channel so it was at least clear.The duration for a video introduction depends on you. If you have a concept that could be rather long. But if you talk only with the camera in front of its duration should also be set.I'm not sure if you guys introductory video is 10 minutes capital only talk about it will be watched until the end. Unless you are the person who has an interest of its own.Maybe two out of 10 people will watch your video until the end. But! If you are a nobody never tried it. Instead there were channels you no one is watching.Kan kasian. But did you have to go through these things so that you will conduct experiments in order to channel you can rise again.So for the first introductory video. I recommend short duration only. about 1-1.50 minutes so. We do not need long-term. For further introductions could be continued another time.Anyway if they like you. Obviously they also will be a stalker and will find out about you. So do not get too much information that is not too important.

4. Prepare Tool
Equipment needed to become a youtuber
If you've come across the concept of the video and channel. It's time you get into the next stage. Here usually the problem YouTubers beginners. Diamana they will be confused in choosing equipment.
You need not fear if there are no tools. Because all you can handle with ease. You do not need a camera like the red dragon menggukanan 4k for menshoot a short introductory video.
What are you doing? Did his vlog will ditayangin on the big screen or the cinema. Not right? You can take advantage of technologies or objects around you.
Not that you do not have a camera. Ngevlognya you continue in an atm so. No. You can use your mobile phone or smartphone to do a recording or shooting.
No need to bother to have to spend a lot of money just to buy a new camera. Because the camera is not in the shop chiki mbok Surti with a price of 1500 rupiah you can already take home.
No! Relatively expensive cameras sob. So I do not recommend to buy a new camera. Why if hp existing resolution 20 mp camera. Wet set it there DSLR hp yak? Cont.
For the problem of the camera so it was not a big problem. Try it first disposable hp. Ask for help rekamkan. You can tell a friend or ask for help anyone so.
If you say you can not use the phone then obviously impossible. So I used when entering into the world of video. Prefix is ​​from youtube, but I got into the world vidgram on instagram.
Where I made a video with the camera just Lenovo A369i resolution 1 mp doang. Do not ask about the results. Already resemble adult video 3gp Indonesia. But it does not limit me to keep working.
So if you say it's because there's no other obvious hp or it's just nonsense. trust me with simple things you are able to work.
More tools expert

If you want to shoot more depth perhaps you going to need additional tools such as a tripod, the LED lights for illumination. Or if you make a gaming channel, maybe you should buy a green screen.
If the channel you have already begun maybe you should have the tools above. Do not bother if every shoot should also enlist the help of people around. Walah certainly not awful.
But the first time I shoot. I only used the chairs and a few glasses of mineral water to refute my hp to stand. You can imagine how severe my struggle in making the video.
But do not worry. I enjoy it all with sincerity. Because if you enjoyed it clear you will be happy or happy in doing so. So there is no word lazy or burden.

Can be remembered more for you who wants to be youtuber. The equipment required is not going seribet children short film makers.
If in the process of making a short film clearly must have an adequate tool. Imagine create short films with a regular camera. Wah. Definitely will be an eyesore.
The equipment I mentioned earlier also going to be the equipment that is required when shooting. Even you have to add some new tools if there is a scene that is a bit tricky.
Eg shoot scenes far towards the top. You must use a zip jimmy or drones. Do not ask how much it costs. Which is obviously more than 10 thousand. Expensive.

So it better be youtuber than making films. Believe me passable so YouTubers.

Upgrade your channel

This is also important. If the channel you have started to rise and famous. Things you must consider is the quality. So people also see the progress you are in the channel itself.
If initially you use the camera phone. Maybe you can replace with better quality anymore. For example you bought a pocket camera. Where the camera is cheap anyway.
With 800-1.5jt price you can buy a camera on this one. If you want cheaper again. You can buy action cam. In the know action cam? Camera sport or HDV camera. Uh yeah by the way? Heheh so it was kind of like the same camera go pro.
On you know. If you are confused. Lah go pro right kak expensive. I do not have enough money. Relax I provide savings and loans with cheap interest.
Hahah! Just kidding. I may not sale in my post. Okay! So you do not have to buy goods with the same brand. For there are many counterfeit goods are similar but cheaper.
Such action cam output of China. It's really cheap sob. With a budget of 500 thousand you can get action cam. All you have to do is to frequently check the price.
So if there is a discount direct kick ass sob. Quite right if you can fairly large pieces. The rest of his money could transfer to me. No. That rest could make another good upgrade.
If you can simply buy an expensive camera like a DSLR or mirrorless please. I highly recommend instead. Because if you do not bear good sob. Instead kehitung loss. Direct passable expensive but quality may be pitted.

5. Application Edit

Software editing easy
This is a question I often get from my friends. Yes! to be creative youtuber Moreover, if not a video editing application.
Maybe some going to struggle to find their own what applications they can use. But most Indonesian people are people who like the instant case.
Everything is instant, instant noodles, all instant. This is what makes them so can not evolve. But because I am good so I give out the name of the application.
But henceforth let their own use. Please check in youtube are many ways to apply the video editing application. Can you watch yourself.
Well kept. Now what the hell editing application that I can use? So to be youtuber beginners. You do not expect to edit the video software that has the pro level.
If you know the name new world of video. First create a new project shooting. Do not be too chestnut can use the application.
Because it is almost certain you will be a little confusion. Unless you open youtube to see the tutorial or so.
So in this post I will not tell all the editing application that you will use. I would make it in the next post. So why should you keep iktin my posting.
YouTubers video editing application for Beginners

EIT's first quiet sob. Do not close immediately wrote. Since I am the author responsible. I'm not going to leave you just like that. I'll give you an editing software that I think is very easy and simple.
Maybe on a laptop or pc you've all been there? His name windows movie maker. Well have to know, right? If you do not try to check first on your pc or laptop. Is there or not.
If no please download itself. It is a gaze early if you want to become a YouTubers. You must be self-contained. Do a little nanya to people who already understand.
It'll keep you stuck and not growing. Therefore you'd better try to ask to google. He knew everything except death. Because life and death in the hands of Almighty God.

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